I hope you all enjoyed the bedtime song from u-tube. This is my sister-in-law Ashley's favorite bedtime song. They emailed it to us awhile back and I thought we would share.

This week went really well with Macee's procedure on her leg. The doctor went in and drained the cyst and gave her the cortisone shot. They sent the fluid in for some testing and we go in for a follow up on Thursday. I think everything is going to be just fine. (P.S. I hope none of you noticed that I put the boot on her left foot in the picture and her hurt foot is really on the right. Way to go Mom, I know!) It will be all of my fault if she breaks it. The doctor will ask how it happened and I will have to tell him I am retarded!!!

Annie had her last soccer game yesterday. She did really good. She really hustles and goes after the ball. She was on a team with a bunch of girls from her school and primary class so she had a really good time. We tried to download a little film of her off of the video camera, but we couldn't get it to work. If anyone knows how let us know.
Here is the Shark Attack!!!
(Annie's team was the Sharks)
P.S. Charles and Janis, thanks so much for coming up a day early to stay with Annie and Carter. We appreciate it so much. We love ya and had a good time visiting with you!!
Annie looks very determined going after that ball, how fun! Glad that all is well with Macee and your secret about the boot on the wrong foot is safe with me! Thanks for your stress advice as well, I got a backrub from Andrew and am virtually stress free!
That is hilarious that you put Macee's boot on the wrong leg, don't worry it happens to the best of us! Annie's looking good out there on the soccer field. By the way Nels thanks for the tidbit about jumping tarantulas, I appreciate it. Love ya, Lacee
Hey Guys! Annie Kay you look like a maniac out on the soccor field. I wish that I could have been there to see! We are so happy that Macee is doing good. You secret is safe with me as well although I may have to make fun of you a little bit:) Well I am sure I will talk to you soon. Love and miss you guys!
Annie looks so stinking cute as a soccer girl! I bet she did great. So wish we could've been there to see her in person. PS- Tell annie that Aunt Misti played soccer starting at age 6 too! We were called the Strikers!
Hey- and at least you got the boot on, right? I would call that good!
Annie looks so stinking cute as a soccer girl! I bet she did great. So wish we could've been there to see her in person. PS- Tell annie that Aunt Misti played soccer starting at age 6 too! We were called the Strikers!
Hey- and at least you got the boot on, right? I would call that good!
it is so good to catch up with you. Your family is sure growing. I cannot believe that your oldest is 6 now! What a beautiful family. Yes, we will be home for Christmas and Crystal's wedding so we'll have to catch up! Loved hearing from you.
I have heard about things of that sort happening. Like on Oprah when they talk about all the surgeries that they do on the wrong limbs (not that I watch Oprah) etc.... Here is a tip Macee, place a large X on the right limb, it is full proof.
How do you chew icecream??? Annie the little go getter, she takes after her momma:) Tyler would die to have Annie and Macee over. He knows we are going to Montana for Christmas and tells me everyday he misses grandma and wants to play with your girls! love ya, Krista
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