Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mom, You Have 4 Options...

Since Macee has graduated from pre-school she is really bored and drives me crazy all day until Annie gets home from school. It seems like she is always asking for a friend to come over or if we can go do something fun. So the other day, I was trying to get a few things done and she had been asking me all day if she could have someone come play. I was giving her every excuse I could think of when finally she said, "Ok Mom, you have 4 options." A little surprised by this I asked her what my options were and this is what she told me:

1. You take me to Exotic Pets (a fun little pet store here in town).
2. You take me to the park.
3. You let me have a friend come over.
4. You let me go over to someone else's house.

I was pretty impressed with her giving me "options." So we did end up going to Chelsie's and she got to play there for awhile.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mommy Carter

Carter obviously got way too much sleep during his nap today. We tried to lay him down but he just cried for a half an hour so being the kind loving mother I got him up. Now he is running wild into the girls bedroom and yelling at them telling them to go to sleep. Like he is tormenting them because is gets to stay up. He is really starting to talk and tells us "No Mom" and "No Dad" all of the time. Now he is trying to change the channel on the TV and type right along with me. Let me tell ya, this little boy has sure brought a lot of energy into our home!

He is really sweet though. Lately I have been laying on the couch every chance I get (especially in the afternoon). He will bring me a blanket and snuggle up next to me for a few seconds until he decides to go play. It would be nice if he could get a little brother to hang out with, someone who wouldn't drag him out of their room and lock him out. I was just thinking how grateful I am for my little boy tonight and his little personality and I thought I would share.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our month of May

So it has been forever since I did a real blog and a lot has happened since then so this will be a make up blog over the last month. So get ready here we go...

First of all, I think the news has spread to most everyone that we are expecting our fourth baby December 18th. I am 10 weeks along today and am feeling ok, just really tired and nauseous. I haven't thrown up yet which has been soooo nice! I am ready to stop laying on the couch every chance I get and to get moving and start getting things done. Hopefully in a few weeks. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband who is very understanding and helps me with everything when he gets home.

Second, we went just got home from Salt Lake Tuesday night from Macee's follow up appt. on her leg. Everything looks good, except there is a cyst down by her growth plate which the doctor said was normal and he said that it should go away on its own. YEA!! We go back
November for another check up, if the cyst gets any bigger they will have to go in and remove it.
We are so glad to be home in our own beds. We left Friday morning went to Rexburg for Monica and Quincy's wedding and then headed to IF to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Hobbs. Long story short, we all got colds along the way, Carter threw up a few times and we had some major fights in the car on the way home. It was nice though because we were able to spend a few days with my Grandma and Grandpa Griffin in Ogden also. But a total of a 620 mile drive home on Tuesday did us all in (we had to drive to Salt Lake from Ogden and then all the way home from there, YUCK!).

Third, Macee had her pre-school graduation last night which was super cute. I can't believe she will be in Kindergarten all day next year!

Annie, Macee, me, my mom, Chelsie, and Adria did the Women's Run also on May 10th. We walked the 2 mile and had a really fun time. (I really didn't ride in the stroller the whole time :)).

May 11th was Carter's Birthday and Mother's Day. Then May 12th was my Birthday. So we did a 3 in 1 party at our house on Sunday. Carter and I both got really spoiled. Nels and I went out on a date the weekend before and did a little shopping.

Well that is about it, if I think of anything else I will do another post, but this gives you the overall events of this month. I think it took me an hour and a half to do this post and now I can't figure how to get rid of the underlining. So hope everyone is having a great month of May!!

P.S. Happy Birthday to my little sister Amanda in Kentucky!! She is the big 24!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy 28th Birthday!

I just wanted to wish Andrea a happy birthday today and I thought I would do it by doing my own top ten list of why I love her!
10. Her right eye always squints when she smiles!
9. She is a great mother to Annie, Macee, and Carter
8. I have never met a harder worker
7. Our home is always clean, you can ask her sisters and sister-in-laws
6. She is very easy to talk to and is genuinely cares for everyone she knows
5. Her competitive spirit never her lets her do anything second rate, you can ask her sisters on that one also.
4. Andrea is very honest and always tells me what she really thinks
3. She is beautiful
2. Humble, I am sure she will be thoroughly embarrassed when she reads this
1. Andrea has been the greatest blessing in my life, the best things in my life (children, family, work, and church) have been strengthened or made better since Andrea has been a part of my life.

Happy birthday, I love you! Nels

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Billings Biker Gang

As you can see we have started our own little biker gang here in Billings. Drea and I have felt like big "FAT" couch potatoes this last winter, well I have at least. Since I hurt my back in November the only time I have broken a sweat was going up the stairs to get some potatoe chips, so to say the least I needed to get out and do something.

Macee and Carter love the kid carrier rides and as you can tell by the pics Annie wasn't too happy about not being able to hitch a ride behind dad. Also, this being our first time out since last summer Annie was a little unsure about her bike riding skills. After alot of prodding and whining she finally got on and did great. When we finally got back home she reminded us that we were going on a family bike ride the next night.