Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Ok, Pearson Family I was just thinking that Christmas is getting closer and was wondering who was going to do the drawing. Or, I really like the idea of what Krista's family does with giving everyone a scrapbook page. We did it last year with my family and it was really fun. What do you all think...


adorable pearsons said...

Good job on taking charge- I was actually thinking of that the other day! I am totally in for the scrapbook page- it's a great idea. In my family we draw "family names" instead of individaul names but still have the same budget- like $20...We all end up with some fun and creative family gifts (crafts, gift cards, movie package, games, gift baskets, random fun toys, ect). Just an idea- we are totally up for anything. Let us know what we can do to help!

krista said...

We love the idea of the scrapbook page, and I do it for the bennion fam anyway so it would be easy for us! I liked Misti's idea about drawing a family instead of individual's, but we really really will do whatever. Good job getting on top of that, Christmas will be here before we know it!

Lacee said...

We are up for whatever, they are all good ideas. Lacee