Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Andrea's Quirky Quirks

1. I am a clean freak. My sisters and sister-in-laws leave messes around and make bets on how long it will take me to start cleaning it up. They call me Cinderella. P.S. My house is not always clean contrary to popular belief.
2. My dream is to have a few acres with a sweet horse barn and arena. I want to have a horse for each member of our family. I want our kids to have animals to take care of and I want to make them clean stalls like I had too. :) (Nels will have a Kawasaki horse)
3. My right eye squints whenever I smile really big, whether I want it to or not. I think that it make me look like a dork in pictures, but Nels tells me it looks cute.
4. The most annoying sound in the world is listening to muffled TV noises coming through the wall. For example, my room was right below my parents growing up. I would pre-set there volume and bang on the ceiling when they would turn it up. I would tell them that I couldn't get up for seminary if they wouldn't let me sleep. (Annie has strangely inherited this same quirk).
5. I used to feed my horse Doc Oreo ice cream and spend hours out in the barn cleaning and rearranging things. I was kind of a loner, I liked to hang out by myself. I just sold Doc 2 years ago when I got pregnant with Carter, he was my childhood horse.
6. The only time I have ever had stitches is when I was trying to be tough and was kicked in the forehead by a calf when we were branding.

I tag Amy Barlow, Krista P., Emilee A, Lisa Hanson, Michelle Smith, and Amanda Smith (Chelsie, you have already been tagged so get on it!) Now you all have to write 6 quirky things about you and then tag 6 more people.


Tora Family said...

Hey Andrea - I found you via Lisa's blog. Isn't this fun? Well, we will be up this weekend and various other ones so we will see you around!

KyleandAmanda said...

Your house is always clean and Chelsie teased more then you did. She was bitter because mom forced her take tap dance with me when we were little. I never considered you a loner either. I always thought you had alot of friends:) Well Love ya. Thanks for the Spagetti receipe, it turned out good.

Lacee said...

Andrea, I have noticed that thing your eye does and I think it is really cute also. I think I may have even tried it a time or two in the mirror, it just doesn't work for me. I wish I had the same desire to clean as you do. I also wish I were your horse so I could get fed oreo ice cream, what a lucky horse! It was fun to learn about your quirks. Lacee

adorable pearsons said...

I know you are a clean freak- sometimes I think "man, Andrea would die if she stopped by right now!"....which the odds of you just 'stopping by' are pretty slim- but I keep in the back of my mind to help me get cleaning. I didn't know you sold your horse- definitely a good exchange for Carter though! We sure love you!

Ashley Wray said...

Andrea, my right eye does the same thing! I feel the same way, I hate but Andrew thinks its cute! Good to know your facts, you are one tough cowgirl, kicked in the face by a cow! And yes, I am loving the minivan, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought I'd never succomb to one!