Friday, December 19, 2008

A Few More With the Eyes Open

Dylan is doing great and doing everything a baby should, especially sleeping all day and awake all night. :) Thank goodness for a wonderful husband who is so willing to help out with the night feedings (thanks hun!) All the kids are adjusting well. Carter has really surprised me with how well he has done. He loves to hold Dylan and wake him up, but is pretty soft (usually). Annie has been great help and loves to help hold and feed him. Macee had a few rough days in the beginning, but has been doing better the last few days. She also loves to hold him and we have had some fights over who gets to hold him first. So far he has been really content and an easy going baby.

As for me, I am on the mend. Labor and delivery went really well. I went to my doctor last Friday feeling crappy with sporadic contractions. I was just curious to see if something was going on so my doctor told me to come in. He checked me and I was almost at a 5 so he sent me up to the hospital. Long story short I got to the hospital and hooked up by about 3:30 in the afternoon and after some pitocin to get my contractions regular my doctor came up after work to deliver the baby (he wasn't even on call, through my whole pregnancy he said he would be there to deliver this baby he almost missed his wife's Christmas party just so he could deliver Dylan, nice guy) He came up at 5:30 and I was a 7 he broke my water and immediately I was wishing I had gotten an epideral. So within 20 minutes and a quick entrithecal I was ready to push. Thank goodness they let the entrithecal start working before they made me push. So Dylan was born at 6:21 P.M.

We came home on Sunday and have been staying in the house all week. Tuesday we did go out for his first doctor appt., but other than that it is too darn cold to go out. I did get to go to the girls Christmas program this morning. Chelsie came and sat with Dylan and Carter so I could run down to the school real quick. The pictures I took didn't turn out very good, but the girls both sang great. We could hear Macee in the back row and Annie was a little more reserved with her singing.

Thank you to everyone who has totally spoiled us with dinners and taking the kids this week. I don't know what we would do without such great family and friends. We love you all! Thanks a ton!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dylan Spencer Pearson

Here are a few more pictures of the new addition to our family. Enjoy!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Early Christmas Present!

We just wanted to share some pictures of our early christmas present with everyone. He was born 12/12/08 at 6:21 p.m. 7 lbs 11 ozs 20 inches long. Mother and baby are doing great. His sisters and brother were excited for the new arrival also. Name is to be determined, we will let you know as soon as it is finalized with mom & dad. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lots Going on!

We decorated for Christmas for Family Home Evening on Monday night. I always love this time of year. We were jamming to Christmas music and the kids had a good time decorating the tree.

We had a great Thanksgiving! My Grandma and Grandpa Griffin, Uncle Steve and Aunt Cheri with their 7 kids plus 2 grandkids, and their Grandma Mitton all came up to visit. Then my sister's in-laws also came. Thanksgiving Day we all went to the Auction to eat. When you have almost 50 people, 4 Turkeys, 2 Hams, 10 dozen rolls, and everything in between, the auction kitchen works great to get everything done.

This is my Grandma Griffin and cousin Katlin working hard in the kitchen. Grandma was in charge of the rolls and pies.

My sweet Grandma and Grandpa Griffin

Nels and my cousin Chase hard at work in the kitchen

Dad and Uncle Steve. Steve is Dad's little brother. Sometimes I look at Steve and for a brief second think he is my dad. I think they look a TON a like.

Dad and Grandpa Griffin

My cousin Laura, Katlin, Grandma Griffin, and Aunt Cheri

We had a great day! Lots of food and later on we all went swimming at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center with the water slides. I of course forgot my camera. Nels and the kids had fun in the pool and I decided to spare everyone the view of my 9 month pregnant belly. Friday we all went and watched Bolt, then on Saturday it was bowling. I stayed home with Carter and Macee during bowling. They both were having melt downs and I needed to work on my Relief Society lesson and get groceries for dinner on Sunday. I had to make dinner for a lady in our ward who just had an emergency C-Section and major open heart surgery in the same day. That is an amazing story in itself. We had a full house with 7-8 people here every night. We had a great time and I was able to get to know my adopted cousin, his wife and kids a little bit better.

Monday and Tuesday Carter and I worked hard to get everything cleaned so today we are chilling all day. I am still in my pj's and hope to get all the ironing and Christmas wrapping done. After that I think that this baby can come any time. I am not due until the 18th, but a little wishful thinking can't hurt right? I am getting a little anxious and nervous. It will be sad to see my one-on-one time with Carter come to an end. I think he has really enjoyed having me all too himself. Till next time!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yet Another Fish Funeral

We lost fish #2 last week. Macee's fish got stuck in between some rocks and a plant. We had a few tears at first, but she got over it pretty quick. This was the fish she got for here birthday last April. I wasn't too heart broken over it either since I am the only one that ever feeds the darn things. I don't think she would have ever known it was dead until she tried to look for it that night. So we buried it next to Annie's fish and called it good. As you can see she wasn't too broken up over it.

Carter being a good helper and trying to dig it up later. What a good little brother.

Carter had a good time digging out in the flower bed. All I had to do to check one him was to look for his floating balloon that was tied to his wrist.

Just a little update on us. Not much new has been going on. Just a lot of cleaning and nesting for me as well as finishing up Christmas shopping. Yesterday I cleaned like crazy and today I got my carpets shampooed. I am hoping that in three weeks or so the new little guy will be here. But at the same time, I am a little nervous about all of those sleepless nights. I can handle pretty much everything else, but no sleep just isn't very fun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kid Pics

We had pictures taken of the kids on Saturday. We are waiting for updated family pics until spring after the new little guy comes. Go to to check out a few. Heather did our family pics a few years ago and always does such a great job. Thanks Heather!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow!!!

Over the weekend, we got 22 inches of snow. We woke up Saturday morning to this out our bedroom door. The kids were in their snow clothes and out the door just before 8 AM. Obviously soccer games were cancelled and we were able to hang out for most of the day. Nels cleaned and organized the storage room for me while I went to help a friend clean her house for a few hours because she was moving. The kids where in and out of the house about 50 times with lots of hot chocolate breaks. Nels was the snow man maker and we all got into a snow ball fight. We had a great day together and lots of fun being able to play with the kids outside. Hopefully it will do this again over Christmas Vacation!

Nels and Carter shoveling the snow before it got too deep. The snow kept falling and on Sunday morning we had 22 inches. We only had Sacrament meeting because half of the ward (including us was without power and some others were snowed in up at Rehberg Ranch). We had to go to mom and dad's to shower and get ready for church.

Working on the snowman.

Sledding down our little hill in the back yard.

I love snowy days and hope we will have lots more this winter!!! Just a little update on me, I am 31 weeks along and will maybe post a belly picture someday (maybe). I was just released from Young Womens on Sunday after more than 4 years. I am a little sad, but also relieved to have some more free time before and after the baby is born. My new calling is Relief Society teacher once a month (my dream calling). I start going to the doctor every two weeks now, which has me feeling a little nervous. I have started Christmas shopping, but have a long ways to go!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gardens, Football, and Aunt Lacee

My dad grew a big garden again this year. He has always loved to garden and since they sold the ranch and moved, it has been a few years since he has been able to grow one. He has made this garden out front of the Auto Auction and has been trying to get the soil good enough to plant. This year he worked real hard and had a great garden. I actually feel kind of guilty reaping all the benefits from his hard work. So I got to freeze some corn, beans, and make spaghetti sauce with fresh tomatoes. The little boys sure had a good time helping too. Too bad the girls where in school and had to miss out on all the fun.
We also got to go to Fairfield a few weekends ago just for a visit and to watch Uncle Tate play football. He is #11 and is by far the best player on the team! The last two games he has scored a touchdown in each game! GO UNCLE TATE!! The kids had fun watching the game and playing under the bleachers. We also had a good time just hanging out and visiting.

We also got a visit by the funnest Aunt ever last weekend. Aunt Lacee came all the way up from Texas just to come visit everyone here in Billings. She stayed with us last Saturday night and brought lots of fun things to do with her. She came to the girls soccer games, we drug her around Cost Co for awhile and then while the boys where at Priesthood we decorated Halloween cookies and Lacee showed the girls some sweet cheerleading moves. I thought I had pics on my camera but can't find them for some reason. Annie and Macee where in heaven with her around and she was voted by far the best funnest aunt ever. She is not afraid to get down and dirty with the kids!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Please Help!

So it has been a few weeks since the girls have started back to school. Annie is in 2nd grade and Macee is in Kindergarten. I thought things would slow down a bit since Carter would be the only one I have home. Boy I was mistaken. Since school has started Macee and Carter have both had the flu. Soccer has started for both Annie and Macee with practices and games 3-4 times per week. Not only do I hardly get anything accomplished during the day with my sweet little Carter glued to my leg every second wanting me to entertain him. But it seems that he feels the need to throw a huge tantrum when I won't give him what he wants. This morning he came and climbed in bed with me about 6:20. Macee wasn't in too long after that and once she saw Carter was already in bed with me World War 3 begun. She was upset because she wanted Carter out of the bed and that she was the only one who could get in my bed in the morning. So between the hitting, kicking, trying to keep her off of Carter, and her yelling at me to take him back to his own bed I kept thinking to myself, "Where did I go wrong?" Oh, by the way she still comes upstairs in the middle of the night and wants to sleep on our floor. So we have again compromised with letting her sleep on the couch. BIG MISTAKE on our part. I seriously don't know what to do with her sleeping habits and tantrums. So I get her settled down and we proceed to start to get ready for school. (Oh, another thing, full time Kindergarten is hard on little kids. She told me after the first week that school is not the place for her and that she doesn't belong there. So with a little chat that everyone has to go to school and trying to ask her questions to see if something had happened that day at school, we agreed that she could bring her favorite blanket with her in her backpack in a pocket where no one would see it. That has seemed to help a little bit.) So anyways I get them off to school and I pick up after the hurricane of the morning and then I jump in the shower. While I was in there Carter had gotten into my vitamins and gotten the lid off of them and got a good taste of them. He came in and told me he threw up and I am thinking "oh crap" because he had the flu on Monday. So I get out, clean him up and ask him where he threw up. He leads me to the open bottle of vitamins with a few chewed up on the chair. So long story short after a call to poison control they said he should be ok. This has been the story of my life the last few weeks and something needs to change or I am going to go crazy!
So the last few days I have done a lot of praying for patience and wondering where did I go wrong? Baby #4 comes in 3 months and I can't seem to keep control of my two youngest ones! We have to figure out what to do with Macee's sleeping habits and tantrums. I also need to figure out how to make Carter happy during the day. We have tried to have play dates, going to the park, walks, and just staying out of the house because he likes to be on the go. This afternoon he actually came downstairs to play and I am thinking, "Oh good, I can get dinner going." Well this is what he was up too....

So this is what he had to do...

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas for me? I know that this phase shall pass and I keep trying to tell myself they are only young once and to choose my battles.

On a happier note Annie is doing great in school and I really like both of the girls teachers. Annie is a great big sister and does her best to help me out. I love all of my kids very much and I do feel very blessed to be able to stay home with them. Some days are just better than others. I am learning and trying to figure out what works for each of them because they are all so different. Anyways, tonight I decided that we needed to have a good family night so we made homemade pizzas and mini carmel apples for dinner. Now we are watching a movie with the kids and will soon get them to bed and then Nels and I can watch our movie and RELAX!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our First Pet Funeral

Annie's Beta Fish died on Monday so we had to hold our first pet funeral. I felt pretty bad for her, this is the first thing she has had die. So for family home evening and to cheer Annie up we went and got her a new one. So needless to say everything is ok now.

We buried the fish out front in the flower bed and Annie said a few nice words and that was that. Hopefully this fish will do a little better.
This is just a random picture from girls camp last month. My little Young Women has been wanting to braid my hair for a long time and I told her she could do it at girls camp. So as soon as I got up there she corn-rowed my hair. She did a great job, but I felt totally bald with it being braided so tight.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's a.....

So most of you have probably heard that we are expecting another little BOY!!!!! We had the ultrasound last Friday and everything looks great. We took the kids with us so they could see the baby and understand what was going on a little more with mom's growing waistline. The girls thought it was pretty neat, especially the 3D where you can really see the baby's features. Macee wondered why he looked yellow and why he was smelling his feet. Annie knew it was a boy, Dad and Macee thought it was a girl and I kind of thought it could be a boy, but wasn't for sure. Annie has been right with every baby we have had. With her around we don't need ultrasounds!

I have always wanted 2 boys and 2 girls and having them grouped together is even better. We are so excited and ready to get ready for this little guy.

He's a Big Boy!

We moved Carter into a big boy bed the other night. It was hard for me to move him out of his crib because he wasn't able to climb out of it. But to make room for the new baby we had to make some changes.

He has done great and looks like such a big boy sleeping at night. It is sad how fast they grow up!
He has also become interested in going potty on the toilet. I may try that obstacle when the girls go back to school next week.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy 9th Anniversary!!

Can you believe it! Nels and I have been married for 9 years today! As Grandma Beverly says 9 years ago the Tornado hit Salt Lake. Good thing we were married in Logan Temple, but we did get some aftermath of the storm there (thank goodness it was after pictures).

As I look back on that day I can't believe it has already been 9 years. It's crazy to think how much has happened these last years. Baby #4 is on the way, Nels made it through school with a Masters, we have been blessed with a wonderful job, great kids, a loving family who are such a great support, and most of all I really still don't understand what I did to deserve Nels. Each day I realize more and more how perfect he is for me. He balances me out and has such a great sense of humor it's hard to stay mad at him for too long.

Here are some of the reasons why I fell in love with him. On our first date he gave me goosebumps the first time he touched me. I knew he was someone pretty special. I was sure hoping he would give me a call the next day and he did. From our first date, we saw each other every day until I came home for the summer in April (our 1st date was Jan. 9th, 1999). I grew up knowing most of his family and knew what great people they were so I thought if he looked like a Stott he must have some of the same qualities they did. He opened every door for me and payed for every date (this I was not used too). The first time I met his mom she came down to visit him and he even opened her car door to let her out, I was very impressed by this and knew that he had a great love for his mom to treat her so well. He has such a great sense of humor and I never felt awkward around him. He was very creative and came up with some fun dates. He stood up for me when his roommate said he could date someone better (needless to say I didn't like this roommate very much, I still don't to this day). Oh yea, we can't leave out that I thought he was HOT (don't worry honey, I still do)!!

On a side note, my girls just came up the stairs talking to each other saying, "Love is Crazy" where they got that, I don't know.

To sum it up, Nels is the perfect guy for me and I love him so much. These last 9 years have been wonderful and I couldn't ask for anything more. Nels balances me out in every way, he is ambitious and takes great care of us. He is gentle, kind, patient, has a strong testimony, and he still loves to take me out on dates. He likes to hold hands when we go for walks, he watches chick flicks with me, he encourages me to pursue the things I love to do, he is compassionate when I am pregnant and eats with me late at night so I don't feel like a pig. He is honest and we can have "heart to heart" conversations. He is great to help me when I need it and he calls me several times a day just to see how I am doing. He also gives me foot and back rubs almost every night. He makes me want to be a better person and always has encouraging words when I get discouraged. I could keep going, but these are just a few reasons why I love him so much.

So here's to you hun, Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all that you do, you make my life truly wonderful!! I love you!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Deer Whisperer

Friday night at the "Unofficial" Stott family reunion we had an unexpected guest to dinner, luckily we had the Wyoming "deer whisperer" in camp with us. After a little potatoes and chicken the deer went on it merry way! The kids thought that was pretty cool!

The syndicated show will be coming to animal planet soon!!

The Unofficial Stott Family Reunion 2008

Uncle Jack's family and us would like to share a little with everyone else all the great times that we had in Wyoming! We arrived at West Ten Sleep Lake on Thursday afternoon and hit the fishing running, well we threw some bait into the water anyways.

We had dinner and then tried to get the kids to bed, which is rather difficult in a small trailer, they finally went to sleep after playing musical beds for a good 2 hours. The next morning we got up again and while we were making breakfast Annie came into camp and informed us she saw an animal and she didn't think that it was a squirrel and wasn't sure if it was a bear. This peaked our interest and we went out to the lake, lo and behold it was a Moose with a calf.

(The Moose is that black spot behind Macee)

Uncle Jack, Aunt Julie, and Tanner came later that afternoon and showed us how to catch the Wyoming whoppers! The kids and parents had a great time landing the big ones. Friday night we had a very exciting dinner (for another blog) and sung around the campfire.

(That is the Fish not the bait!)

Saturday we got up and went fishing again and went on a little hike to some waterfalls. The kids did really well on the way up, and on the way back Annie and Carter (he got carried) did really well Macee (nickname "bear bait") struggled, but we all did make it back to camp. We really did have a great time, thanks to Uncle Jack, Aunt Julie, and Tanner for inviting us down to Wyoming!