Six random facts about Nels:
1) I am a notary of the public for the state of Montana
2) I chew my ice cream and it drives Andrea crazy.
3) Misti and I both like to leave a little bite of food on our plates when eat. (weird, huh)
4) I clean my running & basketball shoes more than I clean my church shoes. (2 bottles of shoe cleaner a month Andrea said.)
5) The highlight of my college career was creating a business plan, entering it in a contest, and winning $5,000 for 1st place.
6) I have only missed emailing Mckay on his mission 1 week when we were in Fairfield and the computer was not working.
I am going to tag Josh, Kyle T, Chase, Cody W, Kevin Smith, and Luke N (I will see if I can get some more of the guys blogging). Now you have to post 6 random facts about yourselves and then tag 6 other people.
Ikea Besta Wandschiene Anleitung
4 years ago
Seriously, how nerdy am I? I've already checked my blog and yours since I've last posted! Good job keeping it going. I did not know about the shoes- I am worried that Chad may catch on to that trick. I also didn't know you were a notary! Very interesting! Man, we can get all of our hook ups through you :)!
Did you grow up with Josh or something. He probably goes through 3 bottles though. That is cool that you are a notary of public. How do you get to be that anyway? Fun to find out things I didn't know. By the way your kids sure are cute!! The sure do grow up fast!
Good job on writing to McKay, I think it's safe to say that your back from the mission present from him will be alot better than mine. I had no idea you are so obsessed with having your basketball shoes in such good shape. Wow, you one of a kind! Love ya, Lacee
Way to go Nels! I think I've emailed McKay once during his whole mission! I didn't know you were a notary either, yay for random facts! Andrea, you should do this too!
Nels you are such DORK! Can I bring my shoes over for you to clean? Just kidding! I think I chew my ice cream to!
That's pretty funny, So, Andrea, what are 6 funny/quirky things about you?
Nels Kevin cleans his Basketball shoes all the time too. I think Andrea and I have compared notes on this subject before.
Nels I just made Kyle to write his six facts. He was really grumpy about it. I think that you need to talk to him about being more posotove about blogging.
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