Monday, October 15, 2007

A Huge Blessing!!

I think everyone has heard about Macee having a bone cyst in her lower tibia on her right leg. We had x-rays done last Thursday and found the cyst. Then we had an MRI on Friday and they determined that there wasn't any cancer. Thank Goodness!! The cyst is about the size of her whole Tibia bone with a little wall of bone on one side. We are shocked she hasn't broken her leg yet! We went into see the pediatric orthopedic surgeon this morning and got some great news. Her cyst is a unicameral cyst which means it is filled with fluid and not blood. He also said that we probably don't need to do a bone graft like we thought. He is going to go in on Wednesday
morning and drain some of the fluid out and give her a cortisone shot. He thinks that the bone will be able to heal and grow in by itself. Let me tell ya, HUGE Relief!! She has to wear a boot for 6 weeks, then we will go back in for more x-rays to make sure the bone is healing.

I just want to thank everyone for their prayer and fasts. Our prayers were sure answered!! We feel so blessed to have so much support and love from our families. I get choked up and have a hard time talking when I think about what everyone has done for us. Thank you all!! We will keep you posted on the surgery and recovery.

Annie and Adria are taking great care of Macee and
Macee is catching on quick on how to milk things all
she can. We went and got some stickers to put on her
boot and some pretty pink stretchy fabric. I don't know
how well that will turn out since I am an awesome sewer
and all!


Amy said...

Andrea that is so awesome. I was so sad to think she would have to go through all that. But it sounds like you are the best case scenario for having a bone cyst. We are so lucky to have the gospel, what would we do without it? Hope all goes well. Tell Macee Haylee says hi. She saw the picture and said "Macee has an owee" she was sad. Wish we were there to help.

adorable pearsons said...

Sweet Boot Macee! We are so thrilled that everything will be okay. Thanks for keeping us updated- we so appreciate it. PS- Such adorable girls! We miss them...and Carter too, of course!

KyleandAmanda said...

Yeah!! Macee I love the boot. If anyone can pull it off you can. We can't wait to see you sporting your boot with the pink fabric on it. Andrea I do know you have some mad sewing abilities. Lets see what you can do:) Well we love you guys and are so grateful that Macee is going to be ok!!!!

Ashley Wray said...

I talked to Misti yesterday and she told me all about it, I had no idea! I'm SOOOO glad that everything is ok and that Macee gets to wear such a sweet looking boot for 6 weeks! Keep us posted on everything so again, so glad everything is going to be ok! PS, Chelsea's little girl is the spitting image of her!

Grandma T said...

Andrea, Amanda told me about Macee I'm so glad to hear things are not as bad as they could have been. Amanda gave me here blog address yesterday so I thought I would read yours. I just want you to know we are praying for you in Utah too.
Macee, cool boot can't wait to see how your mom fancies it up. Good luck sweetheart.
Isn't the gospel wonderful, we are so blessed to have it. Tell everyone hi. and Good Luck Bambi Tracy

S&J Jones Family said...

Hey, Amanda told me about Macee, I'm glad she's going to be okay! Your kids are sure growing up so fast! Amanda told me to make a blog on here and I don't know anyone yet, so I added you on to my page...hope that's okay!

Lacee said...

What a blessing! We are so happy and grateful. Macee, your looking sweet in your boot! Love ya, Lacee and Luke

AmandaS said...

Oh my goodness! I just talked to my mom on the phone and she told me the story. Talk about some mental anguish for you! Thanks goodness everything is going to be okay. WE are thinking of you. Love!

The Laidlaws said...

Hi Andrea! This is Darci Kotter (now Darci Laidlaw), remember me? I found your blog from Chelsie's page. You look great and your children are beautiful! I'm so glad Macee will be ok. It will be fun to be able to keep up with you through your blog! Take care. =)

3 G's - The 3 Griffin Girls said...

wow - i had not heard (yet) but I am glad that everything seems to be better - that sucks when something like that happens to your kids because you would do anything to take that away from them sot hey would not have to go thru any of it and you just feel so helpless - but it sounds like you have some very good doctors and others behind you so all the best!

krista said...

Macee, we are so happy your leg is going to get better soon!!! We love your cool new boot, and it sounds like it is going to be very pretty with pink fabric, go Drea! Tyler says, I hope your leg feels better Macee!!
We are so glad that everything is going to be okay, we love you all so very much! Give the kids a squeeze for us:)