Saturday, March 29, 2008

Future Super Stars!!

Our little hooper!! Carter got this little hoop for Christmas and has loved it the last few days. Every time he comes into the kitchen he shoots a few hoops. Watch out LeBron!!

Here is the next American Idol!! She is singing Hannah Montana's "I Got Nerve."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bye Bye Un Kay!

These last 6 weeks have flown by! Uncle McKay left us this afternoon to go home and work on the farm for the summer. I told him that if he was going through withdrawls from hanging out with his FAVORITE sister in law that he can always come back. We had a fun time with him here. We will miss him and our nights are going to be back to the usual boring routine. We will miss him getting the kids all wound up before bedtime and Carter especially adores him and calls him "Un Kay." When he hears McKay come in he starts yelling "Un Kay" "Un Kay!!" He would also cry when McKay would leave to hang out with his student ward friends :). I think Nels especially enjoyed it because I cooked just a little bit more and bought better food (junk food).

Bye McKay! We will miss you!! You are welcome to come back and visit as much as you would like. For that matter, anyone can come visit as much as they would like! Thanks for being such a great help with the kids and keeping them entertained for me! You are awesome and we hope to see you soon!! LOVE YA!!!!

P.S. One more funny conversation that Annie had with McKay a while back:
Annie, "Hey Uncle McKay, what grade are you in?"
McKay, "I am a freshMAN in college."
Annie, "Are there any freshGIRLS in college?"

P.S.S. I know I have been a slacker lately with my posts, but I lost the cord to the camera to hook it into the computer. I will have lots of fun, entertaining posts as soon as I can find it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Annie!!!

Our little Annie turned 7 today!!
I can't believe next year we will
be baptizing her! We took her out
to dinner on Friday and then today
all of our family came over for dinner.
We are so grateful for her and the sweet
little girl that she is. Happy Birthday Annie!!

Kain Tayo!!

McKay cooked us some Filipino Pork Adobo last night
and it was really good. The kids even liked it!!
It's definitely going to go in the cook book.