Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yet Another Fish Funeral

We lost fish #2 last week. Macee's fish got stuck in between some rocks and a plant. We had a few tears at first, but she got over it pretty quick. This was the fish she got for here birthday last April. I wasn't too heart broken over it either since I am the only one that ever feeds the darn things. I don't think she would have ever known it was dead until she tried to look for it that night. So we buried it next to Annie's fish and called it good. As you can see she wasn't too broken up over it.

Carter being a good helper and trying to dig it up later. What a good little brother.

Carter had a good time digging out in the flower bed. All I had to do to check one him was to look for his floating balloon that was tied to his wrist.

Just a little update on us. Not much new has been going on. Just a lot of cleaning and nesting for me as well as finishing up Christmas shopping. Yesterday I cleaned like crazy and today I got my carpets shampooed. I am hoping that in three weeks or so the new little guy will be here. But at the same time, I am a little nervous about all of those sleepless nights. I can handle pretty much everything else, but no sleep just isn't very fun.


KyleandAmanda said...

Tell Macee that we are sorry for her loss:) I am so excited for Kasen to get to play with Carter and Griffin. He needs some boys to play with! How shocking, You cleaning! Ha ha ha! Giving up sleep is the worst part of a new baby!

Emilee said...

How did you get so lucky our betta fish lasted over 2 years. I was beginning to think that we had made a lifetime commitment. I hope that your kids aren't too torn up about it. In a few more weeks they won't even remember the fish they will be so excited about their new little brother!

Amy said...

Wow only three weeks. I hope you get everything done before he comes and you can just enjoy that new little guy and christmas. Keep us updated and Good Luck!

Gertsch Family said...

Whatever you killed that fish! I was there a few days before it died. I think I remember you saying how much you hated that fish and you wished it would just die! Just kidding! Will you come and nest at my house? PLEASE

Ashley Wray said...

Macee doesn't look to upset, but it's still hard to lose a pet! I think I need to invest in a helium ballon machine and tie one to Rylee wherever we go, I'd never lose her!
Can't wait meet your new little guy! Do you have names picked out? How are you feeling? I so agree, the not sleeping thing is the hardest part for me, including labor, but a few months of no sleep is so worth a cute little bundle of joy!

Romney Family said...

that is too bad about the fish!!I love Macee's toothless grin and I like your still of keeping tabs on kids. I will have to tie a balloon on the wrist of my kids for now on!!jk. Good luck with the upcoming arrival!!

Lacee said...

Macee looks pretty broken up! Carter is such a helpful little guy, digging up dead fish and all! ~Lacee

AmandaS said...

That is the BEST idea, I am totally going to start tying balloons to my kids wrists!

Sorry about the fish, talk about getting stuck between a rock and a hard place (the fish, I mean)!