Over the weekend, we got 22 inches of snow. We woke up Saturday morning to this out our bedroom door. The kids were in their snow clothes and out the door just before 8 AM. Obviously soccer games were cancelled and we were able to hang out for most of the day. Nels cleaned and organized the storage room for me while I went to help a friend clean her house for a few hours because she was moving. The kids where in and out of the house about 50 times with lots of hot chocolate breaks. Nels was the snow man maker and we all got into a snow ball fight. We had a great day together and lots of fun being able to play with the kids outside. Hopefully it will do this again over Christmas Vacation!
Nels and Carter shoveling the snow before it got too deep. The snow kept falling and on Sunday morning we had 22 inches. We only had Sacrament meeting because half of the ward (including us was without power and some others were snowed in up at Rehberg Ranch). We had to go to mom and dad's to shower and get ready for church.
I love snowy days and hope we will have lots more this winter!!! Just a little update on me, I am 31 weeks along and will maybe post a belly picture someday (maybe). I was just released from Young Womens on Sunday after more than 4 years. I am a little sad, but also relieved to have some more free time before and after the baby is born. My new calling is Relief Society teacher once a month (my dream calling). I start going to the doctor every two weeks now, which has me feeling a little nervous. I have started Christmas shopping, but have a long ways to go!!
Wowza! I can't believe how much snow that is! Yikes! I don't know if I could live in Montana...that is a LOT of snow~ Looks like the kids had a great time!
We got 13 inches and I thought that was a lot! Looks like you made the most of it! I want to see a belly picture, I'm sure you look amazing!
22 inches...we didin't get one flake! I am jealous!
I love the snow, too. It makes me miss living in Montana!! It looks like you guys had a great snow filled day!!
Holy Cow! I love snow days, but don't know if I'm ready for them just yet. It looks like you guys had a blast playing in it! Yay for your dream calling, it's about time ha ha:) Post that Prego picture drea, we love em, and I KNOW you look GREAT!!!
Oh my what a snow storm. SO who is the new YW Pres. I am glad you will have some free time now with the new baby. But it sure was fun in YW. I can't believe we have been gone a year we miss you guys and your kids are getting so big and cute!
I am so glad that it rarely snows here and when it does it never sticks to the ground! Nels did a great job shoveling! Thanks for helping out with Chelsie's kids so that she could come here! To bad you couldn't come too:( The kids look cute all bundled up!
1 Week later it doesn't look like it even snowed. Except all the broken tree limbs!
eWWW! I absolutely hate snow...I hate it most on my windows! I am probably weird...but its not my thing. We didn't get nearly that much, like 2 inches! So, thank goodness...as it was Monida was closed with Nate on the other side of it! Hope all is well...
Great pictures! That was a crazy storm! I am so jealous of your calling, I've always said that if I could have one calling my entire life, it would be RS teacher. Congrats!
Man ya just gotta love Montana huh?
BTW-I am Nels' cousin by marriage!
I am married to Ryan.
I am sure I met you scrapping didn't I?
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