Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy 28th Birthday!

I just wanted to wish Andrea a happy birthday today and I thought I would do it by doing my own top ten list of why I love her!
10. Her right eye always squints when she smiles!
9. She is a great mother to Annie, Macee, and Carter
8. I have never met a harder worker
7. Our home is always clean, you can ask her sisters and sister-in-laws
6. She is very easy to talk to and is genuinely cares for everyone she knows
5. Her competitive spirit never her lets her do anything second rate, you can ask her sisters on that one also.
4. Andrea is very honest and always tells me what she really thinks
3. She is beautiful
2. Humble, I am sure she will be thoroughly embarrassed when she reads this
1. Andrea has been the greatest blessing in my life, the best things in my life (children, family, work, and church) have been strengthened or made better since Andrea has been a part of my life.

Happy birthday, I love you! Nels


S&J Jones Family said...

Happy Birthday and I hope you had a great Mother's Day!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Andrea I will miss are birthday lunches. Hope you have a great day!

Ashley Wray said...

Happy Birthday Andrea! I hope you have a great day! My right eye totally does the squinting thing when I smile too, so you're not alone! Good list Nels!

Tora Family said...

Happy Birthday, Andrea...sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you on Sunday. You have a very sweet husband.

est. 1996 said...

Happy B-day. Your husband is so awesome.

KyleandAmanda said...

Nels I never knew you were such a romantic! Glad you had a great birthday!! I love you!!!

Gertsch Family said...

10 points for Nels! Good job! Happy Birthday Drea! I love my big sis more than anything. You are always there to give me a hand, and pic me up when I'm down. You are the best friend anyone could ever have! I love you and don't know what I would do without you:)Happy Birthday! You are getting kinda old! Ha Ha

Romney Family said...

Happy b-day Andrea!! What a great tribute to her Nels. What a sweet husband you are!!

adorable pearsons said...

What a sweet post! Happy late birthday! I hope you got our message on the machine for you. We all want birthday details :)! We love you!

Lacee said...

Andrea is awesome! My brothers have such good taste when it comes to picking wifes! Andrea I'm so glad to have such a sweet sister-in-law! ~Lacee

Dan and Katie said...

Hey Andrea! Happy birthday! I hope you had a great day. I am back to blogging now and I tagged you, so check my blog!