Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey mom...

Carter: Hey mom, can I have another fruit snack?
Me: No, you just had one.
Carter: I will give you $100 bucks.
Me: Really, ok I will take $100 bucks.
Carter: Ok, one second...

He proceeds to go raid his sisters piggy bank and brings me a dollar. Needless to say I caved and gave him one because he is so darn cute!

Another Carter potty training story. We keep telling him that if he poops on the toilet we will go buy a toy (yes, sometimes we bribe, judge how you may:)). So the other day he asks for his diaper so he can go poop. So instead of cleaning it out of his underwear once again I put a diaper on him.

I sit down to feed Dylan and Carter goes and does his thing. He comes back and says can we go get a toy now. I say, "no, you have to go on the potty." So he goes back downstairs, takes off his diaper and dumps it in the toilet. Hmmm....sneaky right, well mom didn't fall for that one. Silly kid!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Nels and Carter went on their first father/son camping trip May 15-16. They went up by Red Lodge with the stake. Carter had a blast and felt pretty special that he was the only one that got to go. He keeps telling me now that girls can't go camping (I told him that girls can do whatever they want to :)). Here at home I had 2 upset girls because they didn't get to go. So we had a girls night out along with a cousin sleepover. I think that a Father/Daughter Camp out is needed here real soon.

Nels and Carter at the Waterfall

Carter on the hike (Nels said he did great) he even picked me a flower and brought it all the way home to me.

The next weekend we were out camping again. We met Charles, Janis, Tate, and McKay up at Indian Hill (half way between here and Great Falls). We had a great time and Uncle Tate and McKay were great at giving lots of 4-wheeler rides and entertaining the kids.

Tate teaching how to skip rocks

Dylan's first camping trip. He did great, we hope to go lots more!

Doing our favorite thing: Making Smores!

Monday, June 1, 2009

What do you do when...

Your 3 year old, who is potty training, pees down your vent instead of in his toilet....