Friday, December 19, 2008

A Few More With the Eyes Open

Dylan is doing great and doing everything a baby should, especially sleeping all day and awake all night. :) Thank goodness for a wonderful husband who is so willing to help out with the night feedings (thanks hun!) All the kids are adjusting well. Carter has really surprised me with how well he has done. He loves to hold Dylan and wake him up, but is pretty soft (usually). Annie has been great help and loves to help hold and feed him. Macee had a few rough days in the beginning, but has been doing better the last few days. She also loves to hold him and we have had some fights over who gets to hold him first. So far he has been really content and an easy going baby.

As for me, I am on the mend. Labor and delivery went really well. I went to my doctor last Friday feeling crappy with sporadic contractions. I was just curious to see if something was going on so my doctor told me to come in. He checked me and I was almost at a 5 so he sent me up to the hospital. Long story short I got to the hospital and hooked up by about 3:30 in the afternoon and after some pitocin to get my contractions regular my doctor came up after work to deliver the baby (he wasn't even on call, through my whole pregnancy he said he would be there to deliver this baby he almost missed his wife's Christmas party just so he could deliver Dylan, nice guy) He came up at 5:30 and I was a 7 he broke my water and immediately I was wishing I had gotten an epideral. So within 20 minutes and a quick entrithecal I was ready to push. Thank goodness they let the entrithecal start working before they made me push. So Dylan was born at 6:21 P.M.

We came home on Sunday and have been staying in the house all week. Tuesday we did go out for his first doctor appt., but other than that it is too darn cold to go out. I did get to go to the girls Christmas program this morning. Chelsie came and sat with Dylan and Carter so I could run down to the school real quick. The pictures I took didn't turn out very good, but the girls both sang great. We could hear Macee in the back row and Annie was a little more reserved with her singing.

Thank you to everyone who has totally spoiled us with dinners and taking the kids this week. I don't know what we would do without such great family and friends. We love you all! Thanks a ton!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dylan Spencer Pearson

Here are a few more pictures of the new addition to our family. Enjoy!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Early Christmas Present!

We just wanted to share some pictures of our early christmas present with everyone. He was born 12/12/08 at 6:21 p.m. 7 lbs 11 ozs 20 inches long. Mother and baby are doing great. His sisters and brother were excited for the new arrival also. Name is to be determined, we will let you know as soon as it is finalized with mom & dad. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lots Going on!

We decorated for Christmas for Family Home Evening on Monday night. I always love this time of year. We were jamming to Christmas music and the kids had a good time decorating the tree.

We had a great Thanksgiving! My Grandma and Grandpa Griffin, Uncle Steve and Aunt Cheri with their 7 kids plus 2 grandkids, and their Grandma Mitton all came up to visit. Then my sister's in-laws also came. Thanksgiving Day we all went to the Auction to eat. When you have almost 50 people, 4 Turkeys, 2 Hams, 10 dozen rolls, and everything in between, the auction kitchen works great to get everything done.

This is my Grandma Griffin and cousin Katlin working hard in the kitchen. Grandma was in charge of the rolls and pies.

My sweet Grandma and Grandpa Griffin

Nels and my cousin Chase hard at work in the kitchen

Dad and Uncle Steve. Steve is Dad's little brother. Sometimes I look at Steve and for a brief second think he is my dad. I think they look a TON a like.

Dad and Grandpa Griffin

My cousin Laura, Katlin, Grandma Griffin, and Aunt Cheri

We had a great day! Lots of food and later on we all went swimming at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center with the water slides. I of course forgot my camera. Nels and the kids had fun in the pool and I decided to spare everyone the view of my 9 month pregnant belly. Friday we all went and watched Bolt, then on Saturday it was bowling. I stayed home with Carter and Macee during bowling. They both were having melt downs and I needed to work on my Relief Society lesson and get groceries for dinner on Sunday. I had to make dinner for a lady in our ward who just had an emergency C-Section and major open heart surgery in the same day. That is an amazing story in itself. We had a full house with 7-8 people here every night. We had a great time and I was able to get to know my adopted cousin, his wife and kids a little bit better.

Monday and Tuesday Carter and I worked hard to get everything cleaned so today we are chilling all day. I am still in my pj's and hope to get all the ironing and Christmas wrapping done. After that I think that this baby can come any time. I am not due until the 18th, but a little wishful thinking can't hurt right? I am getting a little anxious and nervous. It will be sad to see my one-on-one time with Carter come to an end. I think he has really enjoyed having me all too himself. Till next time!