Annie is such a good big sister. Carter loves to rock before he goes to bed and read books. So tonight she volunteered to read to him so I could read with Macee. I don't know about anyone else, but our bedtime routine is quite drawn out every night. The girls love chocolate milk (Regular milk with a little Carnation sprinkled in it, that's not that bad is it :)? and a bowl of cereal or toast for a bedtime snack. Then we brush teeth, say family prayers, read a book, and then it is to bed (sort of). This is followed by about an hour of mommy will you lay with me or I have to go to the bathroom, I have something to tell you. We breath a sigh of relief when they are all finally asleep. Except for little Macee always has to fall asleep downstairs in the spare bed because she is too scared upstairs and then I carry her up to her own bed, then we have to lay out a blanket and a pillow on the floor because we know she will soon be in to sleep on the side of our bed. When we will be able to break her of that habit I am not sure. Hopefully really soon.

The kids love to look out of the front widow and watch the deer on the hill across the street at night. For the longest time Macee was really concerned that we did not have a pet for her to take to pet day at pre-school. So she came up with her own solution and started calling the deer across the street her pets. Hey, that works for me! As you will see below, we did break in and get her a fish for her b-day.

Busted! Carter got into Annie's lip stick and had quite the time with it the other day. I had to hold him down to get a good picture of him. Silly Boy! He is such a good little brother always terrorizing his sisters.

Here are the new family pets. I am not sure how much longer we can hold them off on a puppy, but hopefully these will do for now. I am surprised they are still alive. Carter has dumped about half the thing of food into Annie's tank twice, while I grabbed the net and scooped out as much as I could. I heard Betas were hardy little fish, we will see!