Monday, November 12, 2007

Pearson "Day Spa"

After many years of using the famous back rubber up in Fairfield. Nels and I decided to invest in one of our own. Carter has sure enjoyed this new toy also. Whenever we pull it out, he lays down on the floor waiting for his turn. He has also learned how to turn it on by himself. He turns it on and either sticks it in his mouth and tries to talk, or he watches it bounce all over the floor. I especially enjoy it, I let Nels watch sports center and I get back rubs (I got that idea from Aunt Robbin).


KyleandAmanda said...

Carter is so cute!! Kasen and him will have fun! Carter will have to teach him how great back massages are! Letting Nels watch sports center for a massage is very clever! Almost one week left before we get to come home! We are all excited to see everyone and meet tiny Brigham. Love you guys!

adorable pearsons said...

That is the cutest video. We so need to live closer so we can know Carter better- he is so stinking cute! Good job with the two posts- maybe I'll threaten strike more often. Krista has yet to hold up her end of the deal but I may be on strike forever if I enforce that rule :)! What does the Billings zoo have? The one here has a tiger and a turtle- pretty much it- but Bostyn loved it! Keep up the posting ! PS- Sweet Pj's Drea (just kidding- I probably have the same ones)

Smitty n' Chelle said...

yo, that was pretty funny how carter likes to lay down and get pampered! well, yeah i do like the red sox, i like all of their players. you can't go wrong with man-ram & big papi! but, the braves are still my fav team and they better pull it together next year. the bulls also need to start getting some more wins. this 1-4 record is nonsense! time for the baby bulls to grow up! well, it was nice to see ohio state get beat by illinois. booyah!!! aw yeah, how bout dem cowboys!!! romo to t.o. is the best combo in football. owens for mvp!!! dallas is gonna be back in the superbowl this year and will be beating the pats!!! i'm out, smitty!!!

Amy said...

What a cute video. How is Macee's leg doing hopefully good. Carter is pretty cute. I love the Billings zoo just fun to get outside Spokane dosen't have one wierd.

Ashley Wray said...

We need to invest in one of those, or have Carter give Rylee some lessons on how to give them! Cute video!

Lacee said...

What a cute nephew I have! I can't wait to came to your house at Christmas time, I'll lay on the floor and wait for a back rub with Carter. ~Lacee

Romney Family said...

That was so cute!! His little giggle just makes ya smile. Good job Nels on massaging Andrea's back. Why don't you give my husband some lessons.

AmandaS said...

That is such a great idea! I totally am going to start getting backrubs during sportscenter!

S&J Jones Family said...

James does the same thing with ours...or if Spencer adjusts my back, he'll lay down and say "James turn" and Spencer will pretend to adjust his back.

Tora Family said...

How cute is that! Carter has it the Pearson Day Spa open to the public? :)