We had a great Christmas this year. We obviously stayed here in Billings and it seemed like one party after another. We were all here except Jon and Ashley (we really missed you guys!) To start things off, Tuesday before Christmas Nels brought the 15 passenger auto auction van home and we all went to look at lights. I must say they were a little disappointing. Nels and Ben were navigating and it was a little interesting at times. I stole these pictures off of my sister Amanda's blog (thanks manda :)).
Taylor and Annie out by the van
My sister-in law Lauraleah, Amanda, me, Mom
After lights we went back to mom and dad's to have hot chocolate and cookies. This is Amanda trying to contain all the kids by reading them Christmas books.
The next night on Christmas Eve we went back to mom and dad's for dinner and had a surprise visit from Santa. They were all on the good list so he gave each of the kids a little toy. Then we came home and read the Christmas story (it was too crazy at mom and dad's to do it together) and talked about why we celebrate Christmas. Then it was off to bed.

Christmas day we hung out for awhile and played with the kids. Then we went to mom and dad to exchange our gifts with them. We stopped out at Jim and Marjie's and played games and visited with the Stott fam. Thanks guys for letting us crash your party! :)
Friday we went all over town to find a sleds and Nels took the kids sledding across the street on a super fun hill. Saturday we went to mall and returned some Christmas stuff and Charles and Janis came over for pizza and to see Dylan. Tate brought his wii and got Nels hooked on it so after listening to him beg for one for a week I gave in and surprised him with one the other night (I must say, I don't like video games, but the wii is totally fun). Sunday we blessed Dylan because everyone was here (next post). Monday we had a costume party for my little nephew Griffin. He insisted we all dress up so my kids wore their Halloween costumes, Nels was Kung Fu cow (I forgot to take a picture of him, but I will get one from Chelsie), mom was princess Leiagh (sp?). Griffy really wanted dad to be Darth Vader so dad went all over town and found a costume. It was a really cute party and fun to see everyone dress up for Griffy. Tuesday night (the 30th) we celebrated my other nephew Quests birthday at GodFathers Pizza. Wednesday night we went out to Em and Kelly's for New Years Eve and partied with them until about 8 (I know we are really lame, but these last few weeks of no sleep has really caught up with us.) New Year's Day we took the kids to "Bedtime Stories." Then last night we took the kids to Applebees for dinner and went and watched Nels's cousin Dallin play basketball. So as you can see, it has been a busy few weeks and literally one party after another. I am sad that the kids have to go back to school tomorrow. We have had a great Christmas vacation!