We lost fish #2 last week. Macee's fish got stuck in between some rocks and a plant. We had a few tears at first, but she got over it pretty quick. This was the fish she got for here birthday last April. I wasn't too heart broken over it either since I am the only one that ever feeds the darn things. I don't think she would have ever known it was dead until she tried to look for it that night. So we buried it next to Annie's fish and called it good. As you can see she wasn't too broken up over it.
Carter had a good time digging out in the flower bed. All I had to do to check one him was to look for his floating balloon that was tied to his wrist.

Just a little update on us. Not much new has been going on. Just a lot of cleaning and nesting for me as well as finishing up Christmas shopping. Yesterday I cleaned like crazy and today I got my carpets shampooed. I am hoping that in three weeks or so the new little guy will be here. But at the same time, I am a little nervous about all of those sleepless nights. I can handle pretty much everything else, but no sleep just isn't very fun.