My dad grew a big garden again this year. He has always loved to garden and since they sold the ranch and moved, it has been a few years since he has been able to grow one. He has made this garden out front of the Auto Auction and has been trying to get the soil good enough to plant. This year he worked real hard and had a great garden. I actually feel kind of guilty reaping all the benefits from his hard work. So I got to freeze some corn, beans, and make spaghetti sauce with fresh tomatoes. The little boys sure had a good time helping too. Too bad the girls where in school and had to miss out on all the fun.

We also got to go to Fairfield a few weekends ago just for a visit and to watch Uncle Tate play football. He is #11 and is by far the best player on the team! The last two games he has scored a touchdown in each game! GO UNCLE TATE!! The kids had fun watching the game and playing under the bleachers. We also had a good time just hanging out and visiting.

We also got a visit by the funnest Aunt ever last weekend. Aunt Lacee came all the way up from Texas just to come visit everyone here in Billings. She stayed with us last Saturday night and brought lots of fun things to do with her. She came to the girls soccer games, we drug her around Cost Co for awhile and then while the boys where at Priesthood we decorated Halloween cookies and Lacee showed the girls some sweet cheerleading moves. I thought I had pics on my camera but can't find them for some reason. Annie and Macee where in heaven with her around and she was voted by far the best funnest aunt ever. She is not afraid to get down and dirty with the kids!