Last week my sister Chelsie and I decided to take on the job of getting the girls moved downstairs. So to get them excited about the move I let them pick what color they wanted to paint one accent wall, pick out their own new bedding and decorate how they want. Annie's room is up first , she chose pink for her wall color and some grown up bedding. I did try to talk her into the cutsie little girl bedding but she wasn't having it. My baby is growing up!

Chelsie did an awesome job with the flowers and vines coming up her wall to match the bedding. She free-handed all of it! What a talented sister I have (thank goodness too, she was really the mastermind of coordinating Annie's room together). (P.S. it's not really painted, she has her own little vinyl business). We had a heck of a time trying to find curtains and a bed skirt that matched the hot pink and brown so we decided on the cream instead. I think it fits quite nicely together.

Notice the nightstand on the side of her bed, Joel and Robbin gave this to us several years ago so Nels and I spent all day Saturday stripping this and Macee's little dresser and re-finishing them. I am very happy with how they turned out. It was a lot of work, but saved us a lot of money too!

Next up is Macee's room. Her room was a little easier for me. She chose purple for her wall color and picked bedding that had lots of things to go with it, including curtains and wall stickers.

There is the little dresser we also re-finished.

My Grandparents made this little kitchen set for Chelsie, Amanda, and I when we were little. My grandma is an amazing toll painter and has made us some really cute things over the years. I am glad that my girls have the chance to enjoy it also. Get ready Manda this is coming to you when you have that little girl! P.S. Since the girls first night down here on Friday Macee has slept through the night 5 out of the 6 nights. Monday night she came up and slept on the couch. I think we can claim a VICTORY in this fight against her sleeping in an actual bed! It has been WONDERFUL!!

Here is my hubby hard at work tonight fixing a few sprinklers. I saw him walking out of the garage with a pick axe and a saw (a little scary) and was wondering what in the world he was going to do. He promised me he wouldn't tear up the yard to much. Thanks Nels for being such a good handy man! What would I do without you!