The last week and a half the girls and Carter have been in heaven with Uncle McKay around. Not to mention me also! He is such a great helper and has kept the kids entertained the minute he got here. He does dishes, helps me fold laundry, he has even given Carter a bath and got him to bed while I was gone (Nels still can't lift him up), and he changed his first poopy diaper on Carter today. What a guy!!Poor McKay doesn't get a moments rest from the kids fighting for his attention. Here are some of the funny things the girls have said the last week:
1) "Hey Uncle McKay, Let's go play house."
2) "Hey Uncle McKay, Come play restaurant with me."
3) "Hey Uncle McKay, I need a horsey ride."
4) "Hey Uncle McKay, Let's go play outside."
5) "Hey Uncle McKay, Adria fed a deer watermelon and it died."
6) "Hey Uncle McKay, Look at this!"
7) "Hey Annie, Let's go scare Uncle McKay!"
8) "Hey Uncle McKay, Guess what I did"
9) "Hey mom, Is Uncle McKay still here?"
You get the idea! He has been the center of attention and we are sure glad he gets to stay with us for awhile! We love you Uncle McKay!!