Sunday, December 23, 2007

I Didn't Do It....

So we usually always go to mom and dad's for dinner on Sunday evening. Tonight Carter went missing. This is what he was working on. He was even trying to fix the clog. That's our little boy!! He always keeps us on our toes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Getting to Know Nels and Andrea

How long have you been together? Jan. 9th will be 9 years(that was our first date). We dated 5 months and engaged for 2. We were married Aug. 11, 1999.
How old is he? 31 (old man) I am 27
Who eats more? Nels, except when it comes to chocolate
Who said I love you first? Nels-he keeps telling me he was way more in-tune with the spirit than I was.
Who is taller? Nels
Who sings better? Nels, I only lip-sync
Who is smarter? I think Nels is pretty darn smart. We can't play Cranium against each other any more because he knows everything and it makes me mad.
Who does the laundry? me, all the time (the only load he did was when he threw in a black sock with my favorite kahkis, he has been banned ever since. He does help me put it away though.
Who does the dishes? both of us
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? looking at the bed Nels does
Who pays the bills? Me- he brings home the check and I have no problem spending it
Who mows the lawn? ME-ok fine, me 75% Nels 25%
Who cooks dinner? Me, when Nels cooks its take out
Who drives when you are together? Usually Nels
Who is more stubborn? Me, Nels is pretty mild
Who kissed who first? Nels kissed me first
Who asked who out? Nels- Amanda, his cousin introduced us
Who proposed? Nels, after our wedding was already in planning mode
Who is more sensitive? Me
Who has more friends? about the same
Who has more siblings? Nels, he has 6 and I have 5
Who wears the pants in the family? Totally me :)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Chad!

Here is a little something from the girls and I. We might just take our show on the road.

Nothing tooo exciting....

Until Wednesday at 1:00 everything was going
just fine. I was babysitting my little nephew Kasen for Amanda and was doing a little laundry and cleaning. At 1:00 our nurse from down at the Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake called and informed me they had had a cancellation for surgery and that if we could get down there they could get Macee in. So I called Nels and after a fast and furious packing job, with a few clothes drying on the back seat of the car we were on the road 2 hours later. We pulled into my Grandma and Grandpa Griffin's house just before midnight. Grandma fed Macee mac-n-cheese and toast because she had to fast starting at midnight. So Thurs. morning we are getting on the freeway and we hear a little
crunching in the backseat. Macee was eating
crackers by her car seat from the night before!!
We made her spit them out (long story short they almost cancelled her surgery because of that). Anyways while waiting for her surgery at
1:45 Macee got her own little nurse to come and
make snow men, dolls, and play with all the
doctors stuff. I was very impressed with how
friendly and helpful all of the nurses were. Her
surgery went really good. But waking up out of the anesthesia was not such a fun time for her.
She was telling all of the nurses to "go away" and to "get out of my face". She was not a very happy camper and if you know our little Macee, she tells it how it is and will let you know exactly what is
up. We had to stay over night with her and she was
not too impressed with our sleeping arrangement. The room was "too small" and it looked like a "baby room". Keep in mind she was super mad at this point and was hating everything about the whole deal (which I do not blame her)!
After a very sleepless night, she demanded us to
leave at 5 AM and to get out of there in her wagon. So we left to make her happy (I was
sure ready to leave also). Nels threw up when
we got back to Grandma's. I think it was a
combo of all of the nerves and lack of sleep
to the point of exhaustion.
That afternoon Macee started to run a fever of 104 degrees, so we were back to the ER.
Everything was ok with her 3-4 inch incision
so they thought she had just caught a bug.
We went back to grandma's and thankfully
her fever broke during the night. We came
home yesterday and it was so nice to get some
sleep in our own bed!

Macee is doing great and has to be in her
splint for 2 weeks and not put any weight
on it for at least 2 weeks and possibly 6.
I am not sure how we are going to do with
that. We have a follow up with our doctor
here in Billings in 2 weeks and he will
either cast it or keep her in the
walking boot. Then we are back off to Salt
Lake Jan. 8th. I am so glad this is over
and have felt very blessed to have
her leg fixed. I pray that we don't ever
have to do it again! We are so grateful for
Amanda and her taking such good care of
Carter and Annie! She is a Lifesaver!! Thanks
everyone for all of your support, prayers, and
love!!! We have such a great family!! Also,
thanks mom and dad for coming down with us!!!