In August I brought 2 of our old horses in from my dad's old ranch. I am boarding them at the place where I used to take lessons as a little girl. My girls are now taking lessons from the same people that taught me. We have sure been enjoying every minute of having them close to us!

Meet Stormy. He is 17 years old and totally kid proof! He is the babysitter and is very lazy!
This is Willie. We have had Willie for 21 years (ever since he was 2). He is 23 now and still has a little spunk left in him, yet Carter can ride him by himself in the inside arena. This horse has done it all, he has been in the mountains, drug calves, been showed in 4-H and everything else in between. He is definitely the favorite and the girls take their lessons on him because they can actually get him to go!

I have also been able to ride and exercise some of the horses that Gary and Linda have because my kids hog the horses the whole time and never let me ride! I do enjoy riding the younger horses and I have been able to sneak a lesson in for myself also. I grew up with horses and used to show in 4-H and did a lot of ranch work on them. I sold my childhood horse 4 years ago when I got pregnant with Carter. I was boarding him at this same place before I sold him. It has been so good for me to be able to share something that I love with my kids and so good for them to learn a new skill and hobby! I do need to get some more action photos of the kids because they really are staring to get good, especially Annie!