Today Carter is 3 years old! It's kind of funny because the three older kids's birthdays are all about one month apart and all were on Mondays. We decided we needed to do something fun today so we went to the zoo with my sister and Carter's best buddy and cousin Griffy. We fed the horses, goats, and ducks. Then we finished off with a picnic and playing on the playground. Tonight we will have an ice cream Spider Man Cake and open presents.

Carter is such a sweet little guy, but can be mischeivious at the same time. Here are some of the top reason why I love my little guy:
1. He is my first baby boy. We were so excited to be getting a boy after 2 girls. We almost didn't believe the doctor when he told us he was a boy.
2. When I tell him I love him he always says, "Thanks Mom."
3. He always asks me to come play toys with him. I need to do it more often because my opportunities are slipping away.
4. He is fearless. My girls are scared of anything that moves, but not Carter. He is always in the middle of things. My dad has pigs and while the girls won't go near them, Carter will go stand in the pen and just watch them.
5. He is a wonderful little helper. He loves to help with dinner and stir things for me. When it is time to clean up, he is notorious for disappearing.
6. He has a little serious side to him. It is hard to get him to crack a smile when he doesn't want to, he will just ignore you. We were planting potatoes with my dad a few weeks ago and he was all business.
7. He is a sweet big brother to Dylan (most of the time). Dylan has gotten a few toys to the head lately.
8. When we go to the auction to visit Nels he raids everyone's desk for candy (especially Grandma's).
9. Every night when Nels comes home from work, he hears the garage door open up and runs to hide in the pantry or under the desk. When Nels comes in, he jumps out, hits him on the leg and then takes off.
10. He always has to give the girls a hug and kiss on the cheek before they go to school. If he doesn't get a chance to, he throws a big fit.
I love my little guy and am so grateful for his fun personality in our home. He is my little buddy and helper, until dad comes home.