Uncle Jack's family and us would like to share a little with everyone else all the great times that we had in Wyoming! We arrived at West Ten Sleep Lake on Thursday afternoon and hit the fishing running, well we threw some bait into the water anyways.

We had dinner and then tried to get the kids to bed, which is rather difficult in a small trailer, they finally went to sleep after playing musical beds for a good 2 hours. The next morning we got up again and while we were making breakfast Annie came into camp and informed us she saw an animal and she didn't think that it was a squirrel and wasn't sure if it was a bear. This peaked our interest and we went out to the lake, lo and behold it was a Moose with a calf.

(The Moose is that black spot behind Macee)
Uncle Jack, Aunt Julie, and Tanner came later that afternoon and showed us how to catch the Wyoming whoppers! The kids and parents had a great time landing the big ones. Friday night we had a very exciting dinner (for another blog) and sung around the campfire.

(That is the Fish not the bait!)
Saturday we got up and went fishing again and went on a little hike to some waterfalls. The kids did really well on the way up, and on the way back Annie and Carter (he got carried) did really well Macee (nickname "bear bait") struggled, but we all did make it back to camp. We really did have a great time, thanks to Uncle Jack, Aunt Julie, and Tanner for inviting us down to Wyoming!